The Vienna School of Interdisciplinary Dentistry aims at contributing to the understanding of occlusion and orofacial dysfunction which deeply affect people´s well-being in modern societies. We fully appreciate the advantages of interdisciplinary research, and collaboration with experts in various fields of medicine, science and technology. We are also convinced that research and continuous education are the most effective means to uphold to our high-standard courses. Cinzia Fornai, with her background as a biological anthropologist and a morphometrician supports our scientific and clinical research.
Cinzia Fornai, PhD
“Over my long-standing collaboration in the field of dental medicine, faciliated by Prof. Rudolf Slavicek, I have developed a vivid interest for the evolutionary changes of the human masticatory system. My goal is to develop and assist research in all clinical or scientific aspects leading us to a deeper understanding of the masticatory system. Through my research work, I aim to inform various aspects of oral medicine, and support education.”

Current Projects
VieSID Research is devoted to scientific activities in various fields of interdisciplinary dentistry focusing on clinical and biological topics, as well as methodological and technical projects.
For our research work, we can count on a vast network of collaborators, including VieSID’s members and the University Dental Clinic Vienna. Additionally, we work closely with GAMMA and team up with our varied kinds of expertise.
IDentiCA Program
VieSID and CSUCA – Superior Council of Central American Universities have joined forces for the advancement of interdisciplinary research and high education in Central America, through the Interdisciplinary Dentistry for Central America – IDentiCA program.
Research News
Here, you can find different Science News, notable for the whole VieSID community.
Here, you can find a list of articles stemming directly from VieSID research projects or from research conducted under VieSID affiliation.
Literature Study Club
VieSID strongly emphasizes on continous education. Being well informed is of great importance in medical practice. Teaching and research activities are interlinked to studying. Thus, VieSID continues Professor Slavicek’s study club by organizing monthly online meetings.
Current Projects
Accuracy of CADIAX 4 rotation parameters
CADIAX 4 is GAMMA’s most advanced jaw-tracking device, capable of capturing the translational and rotational movement components…
Read MoreClinical consequences of using the wrong terminal hinge axis
Identifying the terminal hinge axis (THA) requires dedicated equipment, such as a kinematic facebow, operated by highly…
Read MoreAre occlusion and temporomandibular disorders related?
The role of occlusion in the aetiology of temporomandibular disorders is controversial. This uncertainty may be detrimental…
Read MoreIDentiCA Program
VieSID and CSUCA – Superior Council of Central American Universities have joined forces for the advancement of interdisciplinary research and high education in Central America, through the Interdisciplinary Dentistry for Central America – IDentiCA program.
The research interest within the IDentiCA program is broad and could include but is not limited to:
- Social aspects of craniomandibular dysfunctions in Central America
- Epidemiology of oral health, occlusal pattern and skeletal configuration of Central American populations, particularly in relation to (mal)occlusion and functional disturbances
- Prospective on educational development of oral medicine in Central America
- Efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency of diagnostic methods, treatment protocols, instruments, and materials proper to Interdisciplinary Dentistry for Central American populations
- Multicentre studies in Interdisciplinary Dentistry, comparatively assessing function and structure of the oral system
With the IDentiCA kick-off workshop in Antigua, Guatemala, 9-12 May 2022, (VieSID Twitter) we agreed upon our first projects:
- clinical initiatives aimed at implementing initial functional diagnostic tools in the public as well as private dentistry settings
- research projects aimed at exploring craniofacial morphology and function in Central American populations.
Research News
Dental Wear from the point of view of the anthropologists and of the clinicians
The understanding of the stomatognathic system is supported by the observation of recent modern humans in comparison…
Read MoreAnthropology meets Dentistry in Central America
In March 2023 San José, VieSID and the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Costa Rica organized a…
Read MorePremolar extraction: a disputed orthodontic practice, with reason.
Premolar extraction is a common, yet contested, orthodontic practice aimed at creating space within the dental arches…
Read MoreAre craniomandibular dysfunctions a consequence of civilization?
Craniomandibular dysfunctions affect at least 5% of population in industrialized societies, females being affected in a 2:1…
Read MoreAppreciating Human Biodiversity
Tooth health, function and aesthetic are the main foci of Dentistry. Teeth are also key elements for…
Read MoreDigital or Analog? What Dentists should go for…
The field of Dentistry is rapidly integrating 3D imaging techniques for supporting daily aspects of diagnostics. It…
Read MoreTechniques for Mandible Repositioning and their Clinical Implications
Utz et al. (2021) recently published an assessment of centric to maximum intercuspation length variation in adult…
Read MorePublications
Here you can find a list of articles stemming directly from VieSID research projects or from research conducted under VieSID affiliation.
- Assis M., Londoño A. 2024. Bruxism as a cause of tooth wear. A demanding physiological activity on the modern human stomatognathic system. Revista Argentina De Antropología Biológica, 26(2), 083. - Webb N.M., Fornai C., Krenn V.A., Watson L.M., Herbst E.C. & Haeusler M. 2024. Gradual exacerbation of obstetric constraints during hominoid evolution implied by re-evaluation of cephalopelvic fit in chimpanzees. Nature Ecology & Evolution. - Fornai C. 2024. Anthropology meets Dentistry in Central America: Research and Education in Oral Biology. Revista Argentina De Antropología Biológica 26(2).
- Fornai C. 2024. Why Anthropologists and Dentists Should Work in Synergy to Improve Oral Health (in Latin America). Revista Argentina De Antropología Biológica 26(2), 081.
- Šimková P.G., Wurm L., Fornai C., Krenn V.A., Weber G.W. 2024. Shape variation in modern human upper premolars. PLOS ONE 19(4): e0301482. - Fornai C., Oppermann N.J., Tester I., Parlett K., Elnagar M.H., Kusnoto B., Sanchez F.J.C. 2023. Robert M. Ricketts and Rudolf Slavicek: dentistry by the rules of nature. The Angle Orthodontist. doi:
- Fornai C. 2023. An evolutionary perspective on craniomandibular dysfunctions. Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology, 17(1).
- Simma-Kletschka I., Artacker N., Balla M., Oellerer N., Piehslinger E., Fornai C. 2023:1-13 Initial therapeutic approaches for orofacial myofascial pain: three pilot studies. CRANIO®. doi:
- Londoño A., Assis M., Fornai C., Greven M., 2022. European Journal of Dentistry. Premolar extraction affects mandibular kynematics. Eur J Dent - Fornai C., Úry E., Togni D., Kundi M., Piehslinger E. 2022 Craniomandibular dysfunctions as consequence of civilization. Bull Int Assoc Paleodont. 2022;16(2): p. 127 (abstract 038)
- Fornai C., Tester, I., Parlett, K., Basili, C., Costa, H. N. 2022, Centric relation: a matter of form and substance. J. Oral Rehabil. - Frémondière P., Thollon L., Marchal F., Fornai C., Webb N.M., Haeusler M. 2022. Dynamic finite-element simulations reveal early origin of complex human birth pattern, Commun Biol, 5;377
- Krenn V.A., Fornai C., Webb N.M., Haeusler M. 2022. Sex classification using the human sacrum: Geometric morphometrics versus conventional approaches, PLOSOne
- Krenn V.A., Fornai C., Webb N.M., Haeusler M. 2022. Sex determination accuracy in a Central European sample using the human sacrum. Journal of Biological and Clinical Anthropology (Anthropologischer Anzeiger), 14;79(2):211-220.
10.1127/anthranz/2021/1415 - Krenn V.A., Fornai, C., Webb N.M., Woodert, M.A., Prosch, H., Haeusler M. 2022. The morphological consequences of segmentation anomalies in the human sacrum, AJBA, 177( 4), 690– 707
- Fornai, C., Webb N.M., Urciuoli, A., Krenn V.A. Haeusler M. 2021, J Anthropol Sci. New insights on hip bone sexual dimorphism utilizing deformation-based geometric morphometrics, 99:117-134. 10.4436/JASS.99017
- Šimková P.G., Weber G.W., Ramirez-Rozzi F., Slimani L., Sadoine J., Fornai C. 2021. Morphological variation of the deciduous second molars in the Baka Pygmies. Scie Rep, 11, 16480.
- May, H., Sarig, R., Pokhojaev, A., Fornai, C., Martinón-Torres, M., Bermúdez de Castro, J. M., Weber, G.W., Zaidner, Y., Hershkovitz, I. 2021, Science. Response to the Technical Comment by Assaf Marom and Yoel Rak on Hershkovitz et al. 374:6572 - Úry, E., Fornai, C., Weber, G.W. 2020. Accuracy of transferring analog dental casts to a virtual articulator. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 123, 305-13
Literature Study Club
VieSID firmly believes in continued education.

Being well informed is instrumental to the medical practice, and teaching and research activities are indissolubly linked to studying. Thus, VieSID continues Professor Slavicek’s study club by organizing monthly online meetings.
The VieSID literature study club is coordinated by Cinzia Fornai and Kim Parlett and supported by a panel of expert reviewers. Contact us in case you wish to participate.
We regularly issue the VieSID Press Release, which are summaries of the latest dentistry literature. These videos are published monthly on VieSID YouTube channel and are thus freely available to all at any time.